Every other message on Linkedin these days is about Recession and Layoffs
“Worked for xx years but laid off instantly, please help me find suitable job”
Are you worried about getting laid off?
Are pink slips your concern these days?
Recession is REAL, whether you like or not and whether it will impact YOU or not
What can you do apart from worrying about the recession?
Be prepared for Recession
But how?
- Save more than what you are currently doing
- Cut down your expenses by 30% and save the money
- Ensure you setup at least 1 year of Income as your Emergency Fund
- If possible fund your emergency fund to sustain your lifestyle for two years
- Ensure you and your loved ones are protected with adequate medical insurance – to avoid your savings drain from hospital bills
- Keep upskilling yourself and Start looking for better opportunities
- Start a side hustle, never depend upon single Income